Upgrading the operating system (OS) on a Mac can be a big task for any organization, as it involves not only updating the underlying software, but also ensuring that all of the organization's existing applications and systems will continue to function properly on the new OS. One of the most important steps in this process is to thoroughly evaluate the software requirements of all the systems and applications that will be affected by the upgrade. In this blog post, we will discuss some best practices for evaluating software requirements before upgrading to a new version of MacOS to help ensure a successful transition.

The first step in evaluating software requirements is to create a comprehensive inventory of all the systems and applications that will be affected by the upgrade. This inventory should include information about each system or application, such as its name, version, and vendor, as well as the specific requirements for running the software on the new MacOS. This information can be gathered through a variety of means, such as reviewing documentation, and conducting system scans.
Once you have a complete inventory of all the systems and applications that will be affected by the upgrade, you can begin to evaluate the software requirements for each one. One important factor to consider is whether the software is compatible with the new MacOS. Most of the time, software vendors will have already released updates or patches that make the software compatible with the new MacOS; however, in some cases, the software may not be compatible. In these cases, it may be necessary to find an alternative solution or to delay the upgrade.
Another important factor to consider is the system requirements of the software. For example, the new MacOS may require more memory or processing power than the current version, which may not be possible on older hardware. In these cases, it may be necessary to upgrade the hardware or to find alternative solutions. Also, it's important to keep in mind that some software that runs on old macOS versions may not run on new macOS versions. In such cases, it will be necessary to find an alternative solution or upgrade the software.
It is also important to consider any dependencies between different systems and applications. Some systems may rely on other systems or applications to function properly, so it's important to identify these dependencies and make sure that any updates or changes to the dependent systems or applications are coordinated with the upgrade.
Finally, it's important to have a plan in place to address any issues that may arise after the upgrade. This may include creating a help desk to assist users with any problems, and having a backup plan in place in case the upgrade causes issues that cannot be resolved.
In conclusion, upgrading MacOS is a big task that requires a thorough evaluation of software requirements to ensure that all of the organization's existing systems and applications will continue to function properly. By creating a comprehensive inventory of all systems and applications, evaluating compatibility and system requirements, considering dependencies, testing software, and having a plan in place to address any issues, you can help ensure a successful MacOS upgrade.
If you are looking for assistance with upgrading your OS, you can bring your device in to MacMan for evaluation. Here at MacMan we can take care of the upgrade process making it seamless and as easy as possible.